We are having a wonderful mission. It is a great feeling to know we are doing the Lord's work everyday. The image capturing in the archives is going along nicely. We are becoming more efficient every day. The week seems to pass by very quickly. We have gotten into a routine of taking our lunch Monday thru Thursday and eating in the lunchroom at the archives with the staff. On Friday, we treat ourselves to lunch out at one of the small cafes on George Street.
One of the special things we get to do on our mission is share some time with the Elder and Sister Missionaries. We love it when they stop by our flat. They are so dedicated and inspiring to be around. We will remember each of them forever.
Sister Tavelea, left, is from Tonga, Sister Shaw is from Utah. |
Elder Daniel, left, is originally from Pleasant Grove, Utah but his family moved to Wyoming. Elder Berryhill is from Tennessee. |
Saturday is our day to get things done and, if we have some time, to see some of the sights. Yesterday the Relief Society had a special program for the sisters at the church. When Debbie was through, we went for a late afternoon drive. We drove along a coastal highway on the inside peninsula out to the Royal Albatross Centre at Harington Point. We were on a penguin and albatross quest, but we were a little late for the sanctuary tours. We will do it another day. We still saw some amazing scenery and wanted to share some photos of our adventure..... enjoy!!
These modern art teeth give new meaning to the mouth of the harbor. |
This plaque is on the ground by the molars. |
Dunedin does a lot of art projects around town. These giant molars at the "mouth" of the harbor are just a hint to the special sense of humor here. |
Looking into Otago Harbour, and yes, Dunedin does have a dental school at the University of Otago. This place has a fairytale feeling about it, maybe this is from Jack in the Bean stock. |
Looking southwest towards Dunedin. |
Sun setting in the west. |
Photo of a really fun travel companion. |
Another view of far-off Dunedin. Love how the sheep dot the country side. |
The Royal Albatross Centre does guided tours for both the Albatross and Blue Penguins. The Alabtross chicks have hatched and are getting big. That tour was closed so we will be back soon. |
The red-billed gull is a native of New Zealand striking a pose. No need for the red-eye feature on the camera with this little beauty. |
Which way should we go? |
What a beautiful setting, stunning photos. Love seeing all your pictures, sounds like you're having a great time, so fun!! xo