We would like to share some information about our new world today. We are living in a two bedroom flat in South Dunedin. It is an older fourplex with
newer features and is very cozy, with easy access to stores. The
ocean is about a mile down the road at St Clair beach. We’ve already seen what
a calm ocean looks like…. and what a
not-so-calm ocean looks like.
We live on the bottom level in the front unit. The silver Corolla is what we drive. |
Dunedin is big on recycling. The small blue bins out front are for glass. There are two big bins out back..... one for recycling plastic and paper, the other for rubbish. |
Apartments in Dunedin are called flats. Our flat has a smaller kitchen, but it has all the appliances including a washer & dryer. The kitchen table is in the front room. We actually enjoy sitting by the window as we eat and watch the new day dawn. |
The furniture is very comfortable. We also have a TV with a few free channels. The room is heated by what they call a heat pump installed on the wall. It does a great job of keeping the place warm. The tile floors in the bathroom and kitchen are also heated. |
We have already seen some amazing sunrises out the front window. |
Debbie made a quilt and coordinating pillow cases for our New Zealand bed before we left home. The colors of the NZ flag are the same as the American flag. It sure brightens up the room. |
We wear two different badges on our mission. When we are in the archives we wear our Family Search badge and refer to ourselves by our given names. We are there representing Family Search as we process the New Zealand probate records. When we leave the archives we put on our Missionary badges that show we represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in everything else we do. |
is still the cool time of the year down here. We had to scrape ice off the car
windows a few times last week. We have a Toyota Corolla to drive. It looks to
be a little bigger than the Corollas back home. Before we came here Bart joked
about foreigners having the cleanest windshields in New Zealand. Now here’s the
truth….. that is 100% correct. If Bart has time to plan his turns, he will use
the turn signal control located on the right side of the steering wheel. But If he reacts
quickly to use the turn signal control, he pretty much hits the windshield
wipers located on the left side of the steering column every time.... Soooo frustrating!! But we do get a good laugh out of it
have a really nice work environment in the New Zealand Archives. We have a
large room that is exclusively ours. The capturing process goes something like
this….. the archive staff will bring us in a box of probates. We prep them,
photograph them, and put them back in the box the way we found them. The staff
at the archives are wonderful. We feel very blessed to be accepted and made to
feel at home in their environment.
Parking in Dunedin is expensive. Luckily we get to park free behind the archives in the car park. |
The staff office end of the archives has lots of windows. The entry opens into a warm and inviting lobby area. |
Several large display cases welcome visitors to the archives. In the back area are the receptionist's desk, computers provided for research to the public and a large research room which our area connects to. |
Our work area is just the perfect size for what we do. We are able to close a door to keep the lighting environment the same while we take the photos. |
The camera we use is a Nikon D800E. The apparatus that holds it and the lighting brackets are all built from scratch by the Family Search team back in SLC. |
Friday we ship a hard drive to Family Search in Salt Lake with all of the
images that we have captured for the week. We ship it in a big black case that
has spy intrigue written all over it. They download the results and audit them.
If we did good, no further action is necessary. If they find any problems with
the images, they will request that we recapture them.
Left to Right: Elder Rob Dickey, Sharon, Sister Brenda Dickey, Amy, Andrew and Vivian. Rob & Brenda are the amazing missionaries we replaced. The others are some of the warm and friendly archive staff we get to work with. This photo was taken in the lunch room at the rear of the archives on Rob & Brenda's last day. |
archives is located on George Street, the main street through Dunedin. The
center of town is called the Octagon. It is amazing.... the architecture is
Scottish influenced. The archive is right next to Otago University…..
students are everywhere. They have a medical school, dental school, pretty much
everything. The streets are alive with
people all day long. On a corner next to the archive is Rob Roy Dairy. It
reminds us a lot of Farr’s Ice Cream in Ogden.
So far Bart’s favorite flavor is Lime Swirl and Debbie’s is Hoky Poky….
she has no idea what’s in it, but it’s NZs favorite ice cream. There are lots
of little restaurants to eat at along George Street but we mainly take our lunch to the archive
each day.
Looking towards the center of town. Dunedin is just starting out of it's cold time of year. You can see by the tree that the leaves are gone for the winter. But what is unusual is there are flowers and plants everywhere that actually grow in the winter. |
drivers in Dunedin are for the most part extremely polite. They stop when the lights turn
yellow….. they are very good to yield to the vehicle on the right at
round-a-bouts, and when you turn on your blinker they will let you in..... radical concept!!
Cute!! Love seeing your little home, it looks so nice and cozy, beautiful sunrise or was it sunset? Looks like you are loving life, so fun!! love you!